Featured Projects

ASTM Water System for Advanced Manufacturing

Written by Atlas High Purity Solutions team | Aug 6, 2018 2:18:00 PM

Atlas High Purity Solutions summarizes the design and installation of an ASTM E2 RODI water system for advanced manufacturing


Challenge: A rapidly growing Boston-based advanced manufacturing firm required a water system to deliver ASTM E2 water quality for product manufacturing. The customer sought a turnkey solution and therefore also required a distribution system to deliver water to multiple points of use throughout their facility.

Solution: Atlas High Purity Solutions designed a custom high purity water system to deliver the desired water quality throughout the customer’s manufacturing facility. The system includes pretreatment, reverse osmosis (RO), deionization (DI) and UV for TOC reduction. The system also feeds two separate storage tanks for additional capacity when required.

Atlas’s solution was truly turnkey and included all distribution piping by our licensed plumbers throughout the facility as well as all electrical connections to the equipment. By providing a packaged system that includes RODI high purity water equipment, loop piping and electrical connections, Atlas saves customers time and cost all while guaranteeing water quality results at each point of use.